My Skills
I'm proficient in a variety of technologies and tools. Here are some of my skills.
Proficient in building responsive and visually appealing styles for web applications.
Strong understanding of programing and web fundamentals, like algotithms and data structures and web protocols.
Experience in building dynamic and interactive user interfaces using web frameworks like React.Js and Angular.
Knowledge of server-side JavaScript and building scalable backend applications using Node.js or other languages like Go.
My Projects
Check out some of the projects I've worked on.
Abat Caverna
Home site for the University's Student Fraternity I lived in. It consists of a landing page to introduce the house, a marketplace to sell fraternity items, and an internal dashboard to manage the house and its members.
Rock, Paper and Scissors
This is the solution for a frontend mentor challenge. However, instead of solely focusing on the frontend, I challenged myself to build a Go web service for a multiplayer experience of the game. Utilizing websockets for real-time communication between players.
My Experience
Here's a summary of my experience.
I graduated in Computer Science from the Federal University of Viçosa in 2023. Throughout my studies, I gained a deep understanding of various aspects of computer science, including programming, algorithms, and software development.
Software Developer
With over five years of experience in software development, I have evolved from a specialized frontend developer to a versatile full-stack engineer. My comprehensive skill set allows me to contribute effectively to every stage of the software development process, resulting in robust and efficient products. I ensure that the software I build is not only functional but also scalable and accessible.
Here is how you can contact me.